Closet Clean Out

We’re all guilty of keeping one or two pieces of clothing in our closet that we have worn for a really long time. Come on, you know, that circa 80’s blouse that you have worn for a decade. It’s time for a closet clean out! Here are five questions to ask yourself when you’re prowling over each piece:

1. Does it fit me?

If what you’re looking at is too small or too big, then don’t keep it. We’ve all have that one pair of pants that we want to wear when we lost those extra 2 kilos, but if it didn’t happen yet, then just let those pants go!

2. Have I worn it in the past year?
You haven’t have you? Time to say goodbye! Don’t’ keep things just for the sake of keeping them, and make space for new garments.

3. Will I ever wear this again?
Maybe it was a questionable style choice, or a fashion fad that has sadly passed, whatever the reason may be, if you’re not going to be wearing this in the near future, then toss it to the side!

4. What condition is it in?

A small rip or tear can be easily fixed, but if a garment s damaged beyond repair, or costs too much to repair, then you can also toss that aside.

5. Would I buy this now?
If you were shopping right now, would you buy this piece again? Think about your current style and needs and then make up your choice!

Insider tip:
Make a keep, donate, and discard pile when going through your closet. It’ll make it much easier for you to stay organized and have a clearer vision of how your clean out is going!

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