How to Find the Best Real Estate Agent for You

The process of finding the right home for you can be a lot easier with the help of the right real estate agency or broker. But how do you choose the right agent for you? Here are a few tips that will help:

1. Do Your Research:
Check out websites, profiles and histories of the companies in Bahrain that are in the market. Remember, you can also go on to and search for agents on our website!

2. Ask Around:
In such a small community and an active market, reputations matter, and so do recommendations. Narrow down your search to the most appealing companies or individuals you would like to work with, and ask friends and family if they’ve heard of that company and what they know about them.

3. Make Phone Calls:
Before meeting with any agent, give them a call! Do they answer the phone? Do they call back in a timely matter? Are they friendly? Get a feel for the person before meeting them.

4. Test Their Knowledge:

Are they aware of the market’s stock and the price conditions? Do they know their way around the country? Are they knowledgeable about locations and neighborhoods, landlords and owners? All these questions matter when you’re trying to find the right home.

5. Are They Only After the Money?
If an agent discards your needs and comfort and is only after the commission or money from the deal, then they are definitely not the right person for the job!

6. Do They Understand Your Needs?
Are they showing you properties within your budget? The locations you are interested in? The correct size? If they are ignoring your requirements and showing you homes that don’t fit the bill, then you’re probably better off with someone else.

7. What Are They Asking You?
Are they asking you the right questions? How much is your budget, where would you like to live? Do you have children? Do you need to be within a certain distance to work or school? A good real estate agent will dive a little more into the details of your needs, and will focus on more than just the budget aspect.

8. How Others Behave Around them:

Do the landlords or owners know the agent? How do they behave around them? Are they friendly? This means that the agent is active in the market and has been able to create relationships and a network, which is a definite positive.

9. Trust Your Instincts:
Remember to always trust your instincts and read between the lines! The conversations you have with your agent are important and are very telling of their personality and attitude!

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