Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Neighborhood

You may think that you have found the right neighborhood for you to move into, but before you do, here are a number of questions to ask yourself when making that choice.

Is it safe?
Can the kids run around safely? Can you take an evening stroll without looking over your shoulder?

How much can you spend? Can you afford the rent there?

If you’re saving on rent, then great! However, if your monthly payment will be higher, do the math and make sure you can really afford the change.

How close do you need to be to your office or to your children’s school?
How’s the commute going to be? Do you need to be within close range to a school, your office, nursery, etc.…?

What’s the traffic like?

Yes, we know that there’s traffic all over the country, but some areas are worse than others!

Is it pet friendly?

Are people going to point and stare when you walk fluffy in the area? Or is it an area that is accepting of animals?

Are there facilities nearby?
Supermarkets, pharmacies, malls… are they readily available and within a reasonable distance?

Is it too loud?
If you’re looking for a quite area? Or maybe you don’t mind the noise too much?

Is it family friendly?

Are you going to be surrounded by families? This makes it easier for the kids to play together, and for you to get to know other parents as well.

What are, if any, the negative aspects of the neighborhood?
Think about what you don’t want as well!

Consider which aspects are non-negotiable, like being far away from work, or the price of rent, and what aspects you can live without, like two parking spots in the building. You should make a list of the things you want, but you should also be prepared to make some sacrifices.

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