After School Activities for the Kids

Now that school has started, parents have a lot more free time on their hands, until the kids are back home! For your sanity and theirs, here are a few activities that you can enjoy with the kids after school.

Put some fun into their homework:
Every time your child finishes an assignment, reward them with a little treat. Or create little tickets where they can redeem the reward later, such as a special snack or watching their favorite tv show.

Start on a monster puzzle:

Set aside some time and complete a large puzzle with your children. This way they’ll have something to look forward to after school as well.

Create things:
The internet is filled with DYI ideas, be it for decorative reasons or items you can use. Have you children help out with the process!

Create a book challenge:

Set up a reading list for your children, and reward them when they finish in the time frame provided.

Go for a walk:
When the weather gets better, which it will soon, go outside for a walk! There are a number or places you can go to, be it parks or the corniche.

Unleash their creative side:

Be it writing, drawing, or playing an instrument, give them time to explore their talents and figure out what it is they look to do.

Help them learn a sport:

When the weather permits, head out doors with a ball, a racket or even some running shoes! They’ll be happy to learn something new, and you’ll get some exercise time!

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