Steps to Choosing the Right School for Your Family 

When moving with kids, parents sometimes struggle to find the right school for their child. Here are a few tips to consider.

1. Ask Around:

Your network of peer-parents is essential here! Ask them for their advice and opinions. They might not necessarily share the same thoughts, but you can learn a lot from their experiences.

2. Visit the School in Person:
If possible, a visit to the school is a must! Take along your child too, and ask them what they think of the campus and gauge how they feel in the environment.

3. Analyze the School and What It Offers:
Is it the right curriculum? Are school fees within your budget? Does it fit your child’s needs? All these questions need to be answered before making a move.

4. Make a List:

We love lists! Make a pros and cons list of schools that have availability for your child. Weigh them and decide which ones are better suited for your family.

5. Assess the Teachers:

Teachers matter. A lot. You need to be comfortable with the person who is teaching your child, and should know that they are in safe hands. Have a chat with them before hand and ask about their qualifications!

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