BHD 70,000
4 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
2,368 sqft / 220 sqm
APARTMENTS FOR SALE IN HIDDFor Sale: Apartment in Al-Hidd
Apartment area: 220 sqm
(Apartment No. 42)
Apartment features: 4 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms / fully-equipped kitchen / living room / majlis / parking space / 4 balconies
Building features: Multiple entrances to the building / 3 staircases inside the building / 3 elevators in the building / close to all services
Price: 70,000
For Sale: Apartment in Al-Hidd
Apartment area: 220 sqm
(Apartment No. 42)
Apartment features: 4 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms / fully-equipped kitchen / living room / majlis / parking space / 4 balconies
Building features: Multiple entrances to the building / 3 staircases inside the building / 3 elevators in the building / close to all services
Price: 70,000
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
2,368 sqft / 220 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs 5% less than the average price of 4 bedroom in Hidd
Average Sale Price is 73,820 BHD
This property is the same size as the average size of 4 bedroom in Hidd
Average size is 220 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Hidd
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AlAmthal Real Estate
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