BHD 55,000
1 Bathroom
990 sqft / 92 sqm
APARTMENTS FOR SALE IN HIDDThe apartment consists of:
- Open kitchen
- Bathroom
- Bed
The building offers the following amenities:
- Men and women's sport gym
- Adults' fun area
- Kids' play area
- Multi-purpose hall
- Cinema
- Coffee shop
- Swimming pool
- Jacuzzi
- Steam room
- Sauna room
- Covered car parking with access
- Central air conditioning
- 24-hour security and reception
Fully furnished studio apartment in the Hidd area on 4th floor
- Open kitchen
- Bathroom
- Bed
The building offers the following amenities:
- Men and women's sport gym
- Adults' fun area
- Kids' play area
- Multi-purpose hall
- Cinema
- Coffee shop
- Swimming pool
- Jacuzzi
- Steam room
- Sauna room
- Covered car parking with access
- Central air conditioning
- 24-hour security and reception
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
990 sqft / 92 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs 57% more than the average price of studio bedroom in Hidd
Average Sale Price is 35,141 BHD
This property is 109% bigger than the average size of studio bedroom in Hidd
Average size is 44 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Hidd
Provided by
6 years
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