BHD 111,243
3,972 sqft / 369 sqm
LAND FOR SALE IN SAARWe have multiple options for lands, call us and share your exact requirements and we would be pleased to assist you finding your dream home
Do you have a specific property requirement that you cannot find here? Or one that you would like to list discreetly or here?
Call us; We would be delighted to assist in selling, leasing, and/or managing your properties.
With over 20 years of experience, we at Maytham Alhayki Real Estate Firm are committed to providing holistic solutions for all our Clients’ real estate needs. Our bespoke services include, but are not limited to:
Sales and Letting of Residential and Commercial Properties, and Land
Investment and Residential Consultancy, Property Management and Financing Solutions
architecture, Interior Design, construction and supervision Services
Call us; We have differentiated residential and investment properties all over Bahrain to suit varying budgets. We would be delighted to assist you in selling, leasing, and/or managing your properties.
لمن دواعي سرورنا أن نقوم بمساعدتك في بيع وتأجير وإدارة أملاكك
Maytham Alhayki 39441166
مع أكثر من ٢٠ عامًا من الخبرة في مجال العقارات والإستثمارات، نلتزم في عقارات ميثم الحايكي بتوفير حلول متميزة لجميع إحتياجاتكم، مثل
بيع وشراء وتأجير العقارات والأراضي السكنية والتجارية
إدارة الممتلكات
إستشارات عقارية و تمويلية
خدمات التصميم المعماري و الداخلي والبناء والإشراف
إتصل بنا: لدينا عقارات سكنية وإستثمارية تناسب ميزانيتك في جميع أنحاء البحرين. وإنه
ميثم الحايكي 39441166
Actual property may differ from the photographs posted, and information listed are subject to change without prior notice.
Lands in Saar and other prime areas
Do you have a specific property requirement that you cannot find here? Or one that you would like to list discreetly or here?
Call us; We would be delighted to assist in selling, leasing, and/or managing your properties.
With over 20 years of experience, we at Maytham Alhayki Real Estate Firm are committed to providing holistic solutions for all our Clients’ real estate needs. Our bespoke services include, but are not limited to:
Sales and Letting of Residential and Commercial Properties, and Land
Investment and Residential Consultancy, Property Management and Financing Solutions
architecture, Interior Design, construction and supervision Services
Call us; We have differentiated residential and investment properties all over Bahrain to suit varying budgets. We would be delighted to assist you in selling, leasing, and/or managing your properties.
لمن دواعي سرورنا أن نقوم بمساعدتك في بيع وتأجير وإدارة أملاكك
Maytham Alhayki 39441166
مع أكثر من ٢٠ عامًا من الخبرة في مجال العقارات والإستثمارات، نلتزم في عقارات ميثم الحايكي بتوفير حلول متميزة لجميع إحتياجاتكم، مثل
بيع وشراء وتأجير العقارات والأراضي السكنية والتجارية
إدارة الممتلكات
إستشارات عقارية و تمويلية
خدمات التصميم المعماري و الداخلي والبناء والإشراف
إتصل بنا: لدينا عقارات سكنية وإستثمارية تناسب ميزانيتك في جميع أنحاء البحرين. وإنه
ميثم الحايكي 39441166
Actual property may differ from the photographs posted, and information listed are subject to change without prior notice.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
3,972 sqft / 369 sqm

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Maytham Alhayki Real Estate
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21 years
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