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Property details

Property Type

Office Space

Property Size

194 sqft / 18 sqm



Area: Malkyiah
Plot size (SQM):18 sqm
Property type: shop
Property classification: commercial


The Ideal thing about investing in Bahrain property is that the demand is always at a peak due to the nation’s small geographic surface area, an indication that property prices, in general, will always rise.

Why Grnata? Your decision to select Grnata as a licensed group of companies in the field of real estate will lead you to many benefits such as:

Qualified consultants in the Bahrain market
Study and analysis of the investment’s opportunity
A group of professional teams that are able to provide all real estate services.
Grnata is the leading real estate company in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Grnata and as seen by observers of the movement of the real estate market has taken its place in the real estate market, knocked off the pioneer, and gained the confidence of the stakeholders in the nation.

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