BHD 650 /month
1 Bedroom
2 Bathrooms
807 sqft / 75 sqm
❇️ Semi-furnished (Rent: BD 550/m)
❇️ Fully-furnished (Rent: BD 650/m)
❇️ 1 Bedroom
❇️ 2 Bathroom
❇️ 1 Living Room with Balcony
❇️ Open concept kitchen
❇️ Laundry area
Bldg. Amenities/ Others:
❇️ Outdoor Swimming pool and Indoor Swimming Pools
❇️ Cinema Hall
❇️ Kids Play Area
❇️ Prayer Room
❇️ Fully-equipped Gym
❇️ Designated parking spot
❇️ 24 hours Reception & Security
❇️ Women's/ Men's Health Clubs
❇️ Sauna and Spa
❇️ Event Hall
❇️ Jogging track
❇️ Climbing Walls
❇️ Indoor Gardens
Rent: BD650/m (semi-furnished)
BD650/m (fully-furnished)
Inclusive of BD 30 EWA LIMIT
Inclusive of Internet
1 Year Leased Contract
1 Month Advance Deposit
1 Month Security Deposit
Throughout the year, House me company manages to lease a high volume of properties, from residential apartments, offices and commercial spaces to both individuals and corporate. We have a dedicated team, mixture of human resources to inline with the variety of our clients’ culture and languages, in addition of allowing our customers to know in a clear manner; about the facilities, view, responsibilities of tenant and landlord in the proposed property. Furthermore, House me company has an outstanding competitive edge in the market, where no vacant unit available in the properties managed by the company, which in fact, shows the quality of leasing services provided by its sincere employees.
Premium 1BR | 5* Facilities | Near Major Attractions
❇️ Semi-furnished (Rent: BD 550/m)
❇️ Fully-furnished (Rent: BD 650/m)
❇️ 1 Bedroom
❇️ 2 Bathroom
❇️ 1 Living Room with Balcony
❇️ Open concept kitchen
❇️ Laundry area
Bldg. Amenities/ Others:
❇️ Outdoor Swimming pool and Indoor Swimming Pools
❇️ Cinema Hall
❇️ Kids Play Area
❇️ Prayer Room
❇️ Fully-equipped Gym
❇️ Designated parking spot
❇️ 24 hours Reception & Security
❇️ Women's/ Men's Health Clubs
❇️ Sauna and Spa
❇️ Event Hall
❇️ Jogging track
❇️ Climbing Walls
❇️ Indoor Gardens
Rent: BD650/m (semi-furnished)
BD650/m (fully-furnished)
Inclusive of BD 30 EWA LIMIT
Inclusive of Internet
1 Year Leased Contract
1 Month Advance Deposit
1 Month Security Deposit
Throughout the year, House me company manages to lease a high volume of properties, from residential apartments, offices and commercial spaces to both individuals and corporate. We have a dedicated team, mixture of human resources to inline with the variety of our clients’ culture and languages, in addition of allowing our customers to know in a clear manner; about the facilities, view, responsibilities of tenant and landlord in the proposed property. Furthermore, House me company has an outstanding competitive edge in the market, where no vacant unit available in the properties managed by the company, which in fact, shows the quality of leasing services provided by its sincere employees.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
807 sqft / 75 sqm
Available from
31 Jul 2024

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