BHD 180 /month
1 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
753 sqft / 70 sqm
APARTMENTS FOR RENT IN GALALIFor rent modern Flat in Qalali near wahat almuharraq
With all new ACs
Great access to main road, near cold stores, restaurants and petrol station and schools
Close to Amwaj and Diyar almuharraq
quiet and secured area
1 bedroom
1 bathrooms
closed kitchen
For Rent Modern Flat in Qalali
With all new ACs
Great access to main road, near cold stores, restaurants and petrol station and schools
Close to Amwaj and Diyar almuharraq
quiet and secured area
1 bedroom
1 bathrooms
closed kitchen
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
753 sqft / 70 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs 28% less than the average price of 1 bedroom in Galali
Average Rent is 250 BHD
This property is 30% smaller than the average size of 1 bedroom in Galali
Average size is 100 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Galali
Provided by

United Trust Real Estate
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