BHD 350 /month

3 Bedrooms + Maid
5 Bathrooms
2,799 sqft / 260 sqm

Apartment full floor 3 rooms and maid's room

For rent, a very elegant apartment, villa system, full floor, apartment area 260 square meters, with central air conditioning, in New Galali, consisting of:
3 master bedrooms
5 bathrooms
Maid's room
Large hall
big kitchen
There is an elevator and private parking
The price is 350 negotiable, does not include electricity
Contact 38435855
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_ tuqadim wikalatuna aleaqariat majmueatan wasieatan min aleaqarat min alaistudiu 'iilaa alqasr wakuli maykhs alsuwq aleaqaria . nahn nuqadim majmueatan kabiratan min alshuqaq ealiat aljawdat fi 'akthar almanatiq alsakaniat shuhratan fi albahrayn , litunasib kulu mizaniat wamutatalibatin. khidmatana majaaniatan tmaman lilmustajirina.
altamayuz , alnazahat , almaerifat waltawajud fi alsuwq albahraynii mundh 'akthar min eashr sanawat
mae muasisih alward aleaqariat 'ant alraqm wahid , sawa' kunt malik lieaqar , mustajir 'aw mushtari , nahn nuqadir eamalak wasawf nuqadim lak aliahtimam walkhidmat alkamilat alati tastahiquha
nahn nuamin ayman kamil bial'akhlaq walmihniat fi aleimali, alnazahat , altamyiz walailtizam altaamu , wakadhalik alrieayat alshakhsiatu.
taqadim muasisuh alward aleaqariat majmueatan wasieatan wakamilatan min alkhadamat aleaqariat lilmustathmirin , nahn natafaham tmamaan 'anak la targhab 'an takun fi majal adarat aleaqarat walmumtalakat , lakinana
naqum bidhalik wa'akthar biahtirafiat ealiatin.
alkhidmat walhulul alati nuqadimuha lieumalayina :
- alaistisharat aleaqariat alkamila
- baye aleaqarat
aidarat almumtalakat
- taswiq aleaqar lilayjar .

Property details

Property Type


Property Size

2,799 sqft / 260 sqm


3 + Maid



Available from

15 Feb 2025


Maids Room

Covered Parking

Built in Wardrobes


Map preview

Price Insights

This property costs 46% more than the average price of 3 bedroom in Galali

Average Rent is 239 BHD

This property is 93% bigger than the average size of 3 bedroom in Galali

Average size is 135 sqm

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Galali

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