BHD 140 /month
2 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
646 sqft / 60 sqm
APARTMENTS FOR RENT IN MUHARRAQAffordable two bedroom flat in Muharraq
Flat include :
-2 bedroom
-2 bathroom
-Closed kitchen
-Living Hall
Close to hyper primary and secondary schools, gardens, health center, markets, and restaurants.
monthly rent BD 140/-
Affordable two bedroom flat in Muharraq
Flat include :
-2 bedroom
-2 bathroom
-Closed kitchen
-Living Hall
Close to hyper primary and secondary schools, gardens, health center, markets, and restaurants.
monthly rent BD 140/-
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
646 sqft / 60 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs the same as the average price of 2 bedroom in Muharraq
Average Rent is 140 BHD
This property is 37% smaller than the average size of 2 bedroom in Muharraq
Average size is 95 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Muharraq
Provided by

Al Zamil Properties
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