BHD 450 /month
3 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
2,691 sqft / 250 sqm
VILLAS FOR RENT IN ARADVilla for rent in Arad, high-end location, consisting of
3 bedrooms
Maid's room with bathroom
4 bathrooms, hall, kitchen
Car parking and external parking
Price 450 dinars
For contact 36660917
Our real estate agency offers a wide range of properties from studios to mansions and everything related to the real estate market. We offer a wide range of high-quality apartments in the most popular residential areas in Bahrain, to suit every budget and requirement. Our service is completely free for tenants.
Villa for rent in Arad
3 bedrooms
Maid's room with bathroom
4 bathrooms, hall, kitchen
Car parking and external parking
Price 450 dinars
For contact 36660917
Our real estate agency offers a wide range of properties from studios to mansions and everything related to the real estate market. We offer a wide range of high-quality apartments in the most popular residential areas in Bahrain, to suit every budget and requirement. Our service is completely free for tenants.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
2,691 sqft / 250 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs 44% less than the average price of 3 bedroom in Arad
Average Rent is 800 BHD
This property is 9% bigger than the average size of 3 bedroom in Arad
Average size is 229 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Arad
Provided by

Al Ward Real Estate
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