SuperAgent10Villa1,400 BHD/monthExclusive2 types of villa layout - Rent BD 1400 and BD 1500Jannusan, Northern Governorate 5 5 1,000 sqm
25Villa1,200 BHD/monthInclusivePrivate Pool | Villa | luxuriousJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 5 300 sqm
SuperAgent12Villa850 BHD/monthExclusiveGreat family compound | 3-bed villaPremiumJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 3 350 sqm
18Villa1,450 BHD/monthExclusiveHIGHCLASS || SPACIOUS | PRIVATE POOL | GARDEN |PremiumJannusan, Northern Governorate 5 6 550 sqm
SuperAgent15Villa850 BHD/monthExclusiveBUNGALOW|LARGE PVT GARDEN|NEAR ST.CHRIS.FeaturedJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 3 300 sqm
19Villa550 BHD/monthInclusiveRenovated S/F2 storey Pvt Villa |Garden JD- 1643FeaturedJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 4 350 sqm
SuperAgent25Villa1,500 BHD/monthExclusivePrivate Pool | Luxurious Villa | Gated CompoundJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 6 425 sqm
18Villa1,400 BHD/monthExclusiveMAJESTIC | PRIVATE POOL + GARDEN | COMPOUNDJannusan, Northern Governorate 5 6 400 sqm
17Villa480 BHD/monthExclusiveAffordable Decent Size Villa in a CompoundJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 3 350 sqm
30Villa850 BHD/monthExclusiveSERENE 3BHK | AFFORDABLE | COMPOUND FACILITIESJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 3 250 sqm
20Villa850 BHD/monthExclusiveExecutive Villa in a Classy CompoundJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 2 400 sqm
13Villa450 BHD/monthExclusiveOffordable Decent Size Villa in a CompundJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 3 400 sqm
18Villa900 BHD/monthExclusiveGrand Luxurious Villa with Private GardenJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 6 600 sqm
19Villa780 BHD/monthExclusiveLuxury Spacious Villa w/ Grand KitchenJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 4 500 sqm
16Villa750 BHD/monthExclusiveElegant & Luxurious Villa with Private GardenJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 3 400 sqm
29Villa1,400 BHD/monthExclusiveRENOVATED | PRIVATE POOL | BALCONY | PETS ALLOWEDJannusan, Northern Governorate 5 5 350 sqm
30Villa1,500 BHD/monthExclusivePRIVATE POOL | LUXURY LIVING | PRIME LOCATIONJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 4 330 sqm
24Villa700 BHD/monthExclusiveBALCONY and TERRACE | BEST PRICE | AFFORDABLE 3BHKJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 4 280 sqm
13Villa900 BHD/monthExclusiveElegant Villa with Beach Access in CompoundJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 4 800 sqm
14Villa800 BHD/monthExclusiveSpacious & Executive Villa in CompoundJannusan, Northern Governorate 4 4 800 sqm
25Villa1,400 BHD/monthExclusivePrivate Pool and Garden | Gym | Pets AllowedJannusan, Northern Governorate 5 6 600 sqm
14Villa1,300 BHD/monthExclusivePRIVATE POOL| FREE WATER| GARDEN| FACILITIESJannusan, Northern Governorate 5 6 410 sqm
25Villa1,400 BHD/monthExclusiveLuxurious Villa w. Private Pool & GardenJannusan, Northern Governorate 5 5 600 sqm
11Villa480 BHD/monthExclusiveFAMILY FRIENDLY COMPOUND | 3 STOREY VILLAJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 4 250 sqm
18Villa490 BHD/monthExclusiveModern 3BR Compound Villa - Inclusive of EWAJannusan, Northern Governorate 3 4 250 sqm